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发布时间:2019年04月17日 | 点击:[] 次


刘宁,女,河南人,动物营养学博士,教授,硕士生导师,毕业于甘肃农业大学,中国农业科学院博士后,Texas A&M University University of Georgia 访问学者。长期从事畜牧学教学、科研和生产服务工作,承担课程有动物生产学、畜产品加工学和动物营养学。研究领域包括营养与健康、酶制剂、生物活性肽、植物活性成分等。主持或参加国家级科研课题6项,授权发明专利12个,出版著作15部。获省部级科技进步、自然科学奖5项,指导学生获国家级奖项3项。发表SCI论文38篇。


Liu N, Liu GH, Li FD, Sands JS, Zhang S, Zheng AJ, Ru YJ. Efficacy of phytases on egg production and nutrient digestibility in laying hens fed reduced phosphorus diets. Poult. Sci. 2007, 86: 2337-2342.

Liu N, Ru YJ, Li FD, Cowieson AJ. Effect of diet containing phytate and phytase on the activity and mRNA expression of carbohydrase and transporter in chickens. J. Anim. Sci. 2008, 86: 3432-3439.

Liu N, Ru YJ, Cowieson AJ, Li FD, Cheng XC. Effects of phytate and phytase on the performance and immune function of broilers fed nutritionally marginal diets. Poult. Sci. 2008, 876):1105-1111

Liu N, Ru YJ, Li FD, Wang JP, Lei XQ.Effect of dietary phytate and phytase on proteolytic digestion and growth regulation for broilers. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 2009, 63: 292-303.

Liu N, Ru YJ, Wang JP, Xu TS.Effect of dietary sodium phytate and microbial phytase on the lipase activity and lipid metabolism of broiler chickens. Br. J. Nutr. 2010, 103: 862-868.

Liu N, Ru YJ, Li FD. Effect of dietary phytate and phytase on metabolic change of blood and intestinal mucosa in chickens. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 2010, 94: 368-374.

Liu N, Ru YJ. Effect of phytate and phytase on the ileal flows of endogenous minerals and amino acids for growing broiler chickens fed purified diets. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2010, 156: 126-130.

Liu N, Ru YJ, Tang DF, Xu TS, Partridge GG. Effects of corn distillers dried grains with solubles and xylanase on growth performance and digestibility of diet components in broilers. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2011, 163: 260-266.

Liu N, Ding K, Wang JQ, Jia SC, Wang JP, Xu TS.Detoxification, metabolism, and glutathione pathway activity of aflatoxin B1 by dietary lactic acid bacteria in broiler chickens. J. Anim. Sci. 2017, 95: 4399-4406.

Liu N, Wang JQ, Gu KT, Deng QQ, Wang JP. Effects of dietary protein levels and multienzyme supplementation on growth performance and markers of gut health of broilers fed a miscellaneous meal based diet. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2017, 234: 110-117.

Liu N, Wang JQ, Jia SC, Chen YK, Wang JP.Effect of yeast cell wall on the growth performance and gut health of broilers challenged with aflatoxin B1 and necrotic enteritis.Poult. Sci. 2018, 97: 477-484.

Liu N, Wang JQ, Liu ZY, Wang YC, Wang JP. Effect of supplemental yeast cell wall on growth performance, gut mucosal glutathione pathway, proteolytic enzymes and transporters in growing broiler chickens. J. Anim. Sci. 2018, 96: 1330-1337.